Mandi Lockley


Mandi Lockley is a London based astrologer and author. She blogs at and has been published in the Astrological Journal of the Astrological Association of Great Britain and Infinity Astrological Magazine, as well as on numerous websites.

In 2012 she authored the e-book Saturn in Scorpio: Your Guide Through the Dark to positive reviews and is also a published fiction author.

In 2010, Mandi was Saturn editor for the International Astrology Day Blog-A- Thon, a collaboration with American astrologers Donna Cunningham and CJ Wright.

The project brought together 70 articles by over 50 astrologers on handling the challenges of the Saturn-Uranus- Pluto Cardinal T-Square. Mandi studied at the London School of Astrology and gained the school’s certificate in 2005.

She is committed to self-development and strives to live true to herself, in service to others and in harmony with the cycles of the universe – an approach she brings to her work with clients and students.